Its nice to encounter different kind of experience while growing up to become the adult I have grown into. I would be lying if I said I hadnt enjoyed my past. The best part about growing up is that you get to learn and see new things in your life. Everything seems surreal and interesting in the eyes of an innocent child who knows not much than a normal adult. Despite all the beautiful memories made through adolescence, you can never run away from the reality that have prepare you the future that is planned out from you. One day or another, you're going to walk on this life alone without the help of those who was there to hold you at your downfall. No matter what happens, never forget the people you have made through your life down the road. Without these people, you wouldnt have known how to walk or even stand. 

Sports Day 2014
"little reunion with ex schoolmates"



Though I wasnt able to watch the sun rise because the place im staying isnt exactly facing the direction of the sun rising, i'm still amazed with the beauty of colors I have witnessed this morning.




At some point of time, I nearly broke down crying. For the past 5 years I have been living in life hidden indoors and never once did I choose to see the nature and world outside & appreciate it, blinded by the technologies and gadgets that are gifted to me. Out of all happenings, I never gave myself 10 minutes of my busy life just watching the beautiful view God have always given us the chance to see, every single day, without paying a single cent. It was spectacular. This really gave me a new perspective in life & goosebumps. I'm really sorry for the quality of this picture since it was my first few times using my 50mm lens & im still not used to it. I was thinking about editing it but I just couldnt edit the amazing colors God have presented the city naturally & this was the best result I could get.

If things could change in just 8 minutes, from clear blue skies to a mixture of few dark/warm colors, 2 years is nothing much for the society. We have gone through so much, we had to battle our feelings and emotions facing through things that fandoms of 5 years or more have never gone through yet. But do remember that just because we lose today, doesnt mean we will never win. Real winners winners lose before they win. I hope you all can overcome this and somehow learn that this is the reality we will be living not only for today but for the rest of the days. No matter what happens, exo fans will have each of your backs. If some of the dont, then i'm truly sorry for them because theyre too coward to face the end of exo which will never end. Not yet. So stay strong cause i'll always be there for you if you have no one else. 

If theres anything i enjoyed in my life, I would say I liked the part most when I meet people. These people I have been with for years, used to be a stranger. Surprise how strangers can become not only a bestfriend but a sisters/brothers to you. Therefor in life, I have always taught myself to always appreciate people as long as they have never backstabbed me in my entire life. Without these people, I wouldnt have become who I am now. I can never be more than grateful to be given such blessing from God. No matter how easy time is & how hard time goes for you, the people you love, the people you have met & the people who have changed your life entirely are the people that brought you to where you have wished to be. If you had asked God for shooting stars, God grants you with these people so that they can make your wish come true not magically but through support, love & by always being there for you. Always appreciate the people you love.

In life, we always seek to see what we want to see. We got too caught up with media that we forget that at the end of the day, we are just life puppets where our passion is used as baits to somehow develop the kind of life we have picture & dreamt of. Dont be fooled because people have secrets and behind every secrets lies another secret. Live for the sake of learning. Dont live for the sake of impressing because thats when you get sucked up to being the person society wants to see and not the person you truly want to become.  

(p/s: thank you to those who thinks this art have been done beautifully because honestly you guys have no idea how much your compliment means to me and to remind you guys again, just because this looks pretty doesnt mean im an artist or I take art. How I got myself doing this was through the course I took which is photography & for my first semester, its a compulsory to take this subject. Originally, im in a photography field but temporarily im taking this kind of arts so thats enough.)

its 14th of June & today marks the first year exo have received an award for their first win during wolf promotion on Music Bank and this is very important for me for many reasons. I think that, eventhough it is something I shouldnt be taken seriously of, but if couples can take their monthly anniversary seriously, then why not fangirls right. Through this 1 year, I have witness a lot of mental and emotional breakdown just stanning these 12 men in exo. Maybe because how different the feeling is seeing exo last year & watching exo this year. I remember watching exo performing Wolf live for the first time in Music Bank. The performance was aired last before they announced the winner. It was really intense and I had this kind of adrenaline rush that I couldnt control and the best part was the whole world was watching the performance & there was a game where the performance came out earlier in other country than the country I lived in. Before I even pass out, I called Athina and throughout the whole performance, we watch, scream, cried, and ended the call without leaving any message. There needed no message during that time because we were to overwhelmed through our feelings, we understood what we were feeling & its kind of nice you know. I remember how messed up we were on the phone and watching exo, performing as 12 on music bank. I was crying. I was even moaning. It was fantastic. What went worse was when theyre announcing who the winner was. I could not hear who the winner was on my tv but I could hear clearly how Athina screamed in agony because they mentioned exo as the winner and as soon as I divert my attention to the television, I was watching Suho giving his speech, in tears. It was really emotional for me that I somehow broke down into tears. Eventhough the song wasnt as good as Growl or even Miracles in December, the thought of watching exo coming back as 12 performing on the stage after their absence for almost a year, it was something to treasure about. Something to be proud of in the future. Unfortunately, today seemed like the opposite. If last year exo fandom were the happiest and were at their peak of success, today, we can somehow call ourself the most, wrecked team of the year? Its amazing how in a span of 1 year, things can change differently than what we expected. Some of you may have accepted the fact that exo is moving on as 11, but to me, the excitement and happiness I felt last year, was more realer than today. And i choose to still believe in believe in 12 because honestly, last year would have been nothing without either 1/12 members in exo. This is probably why this story kind of linked with the photo I uploaded here. Remember the tree of life? It was the main point of Wolf comeback last year and to see that I actually did well painting it, I wished painting had the power to rewind back to the past we choose to have. If I had the chance, it'd be this. The time exo created the tree of life.

040614; Little trip to Ipoh, Perak with FOCAD students.

The one thing i love about photography is, you can take one single photo & you would receive different kind of story and perspective from people who sees your photo. In photography, you dont speak, you kind of understand it.

a new start

I have started blogging since 2009 & to think that I might start blogging again today, on 2014, & the intention of me blogging here was because I probably thought it was time for me to "showcase" my inner dedication for photography, a little bit of kpop & most likely the few people i have met & known in my life. I shall start this blog post with a Bismillah for this may be the beginning of my journey as someone who is still learning to be the person she wishes to be in the next 10 years. InsyaAllah.