


At some point of time, I nearly broke down crying. For the past 5 years I have been living in life hidden indoors and never once did I choose to see the nature and world outside & appreciate it, blinded by the technologies and gadgets that are gifted to me. Out of all happenings, I never gave myself 10 minutes of my busy life just watching the beautiful view God have always given us the chance to see, every single day, without paying a single cent. It was spectacular. This really gave me a new perspective in life & goosebumps. I'm really sorry for the quality of this picture since it was my first few times using my 50mm lens & im still not used to it. I was thinking about editing it but I just couldnt edit the amazing colors God have presented the city naturally & this was the best result I could get.

If things could change in just 8 minutes, from clear blue skies to a mixture of few dark/warm colors, 2 years is nothing much for the society. We have gone through so much, we had to battle our feelings and emotions facing through things that fandoms of 5 years or more have never gone through yet. But do remember that just because we lose today, doesnt mean we will never win. Real winners winners lose before they win. I hope you all can overcome this and somehow learn that this is the reality we will be living not only for today but for the rest of the days. No matter what happens, exo fans will have each of your backs. If some of the dont, then i'm truly sorry for them because theyre too coward to face the end of exo which will never end. Not yet. So stay strong cause i'll always be there for you if you have no one else.