If theres anything i enjoyed in my life, I would say I liked the part most when I meet people. These people I have been with for years, used to be a stranger. Surprise how strangers can become not only a bestfriend but a sisters/brothers to you. Therefor in life, I have always taught myself to always appreciate people as long as they have never backstabbed me in my entire life. Without these people, I wouldnt have become who I am now. I can never be more than grateful to be given such blessing from God. No matter how easy time is & how hard time goes for you, the people you love, the people you have met & the people who have changed your life entirely are the people that brought you to where you have wished to be. If you had asked God for shooting stars, God grants you with these people so that they can make your wish come true not magically but through support, love & by always being there for you. Always appreciate the people you love.